Tuesday, June 14, 2011

As of late

I haven't posted anything lately because I honestly haven't been able to think of anything interesting to write about. I have this idea that every blog post should somehow be unique and never-before thought of. I had this problem in college with philosophy papers. I wanted to write a philosophy paper full of original thoughts and ideas. Unfortunately, there have been hundreds of men and women across time and space who have already thought of the things I came up with in my philosophy papers. What I learned is that it's not necessarily about coming up with an original idea, but more importantly, it's about clarifying and critiquing the ideas that have been around for ages. Once I learned that, I was able to write very impressive philosophy papers, one of which was published in Stance, an international undergraduate philosophy journal published through Ball State University. My paper is available to view online at this website.

I found a printable poster on a blog called eighteen25. It's a unique blog that offers fun and crafty ideas. Anyway, I found this printable poster and felt creative that day, so I had it printed, framed, placed it on an easel, and set up a shelf in my kitchen to put it on (with the help of my lovely maintenance man, of course). Here's how it turned out:

Isn't it cute? I absolutely love it! My boyfriend said it was "nice," which was more than I expected from him. In case you can't read it, it says, "What I love most about my home is who I share it with." Eighteen25 is definitely a blog worth checking out.

I've been spending time thinking of ways to furnish and decorate my apartment. Thanks to my boyfriend's mother, we now have a table and two chairs to add to our kitchen. I had my father sand them and I painted them black to match the kitchen. Here's how they turned out:

Beautiful, if I do say so myself!

That's all I've been doing lately. I'm spending my time relaxing, reading, and mentally preparing myself for the next three years of law school. Please let me know if there's anything you'd like to see me write about. I love writing, but as I said earlier, I struggle to come up with ideas because of my tendency to want to be original all the time.

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