Friday, June 3, 2011


As I said in my last post, I will be starting law school in August. I'm excited and nervous all wrapped up into one, but I'm confident that I have the work ethic and ability to do well in my field. I'm spending the summer relaxing and trying to prepare myself for the next three years. I want to find some hobbies for myself that will occupy me this summer and serve as a means of relaxation during law school. Of course, I love reading and writing. I also, in fact, enjoy indoor rock climbing, but I'm looking for something a little less expensive than a rock climbing membership. Any ideas are more than welcome.

Relationships are complicated, but one thing I've learned over the years is that communication and honesty are the most important factors in a relationship. If you don't have them, you don't really have a relationship. Can people communicate too much, though? Can you be too honest with your partner? For instance, if your partner told you that he or she would like to see you lose some weight or wear makeup more often, should you be offended by such statements or understand that he or she is simply trying to communicate feelings and be honest with you? It's easy to say, "You should love me the way I am." Yes, that's true. I want my boyfriend to love me for me. I've done some thinking on this, though. What I also want in a partner is someone who will push me to be a better person in ways that I wouldn't naturally push myself.  I want someone who will help me work harder and accomplish more. I want someone who will encourage me to stay fit and look nice.

Ultimately, what it comes down to is tact. I believe you should be as honest as humanly possible with your partner, and if you feel they have gained too much weight or need to work harder at a task, it seems to me that you - as the partner - have an obligation to tell him or her. You ought to tell your partner how you feel and what you'd like to see your partner work on. You just have to approach it properly. You must understand that feelings might get hurt and you must remain as sensitive as possible to those feelings. In the end, if you can successfully communicate such things with your partner, you'll have a better, more fulfilling relationship than ever before. So to answer my initial questions: yes, you can be too honest with your partner if you're not tactful, but if you use tact and common sense, the more honesty the better.

Take care,

1 comment:

  1. Kirk and I always said our goal to was take care of each other. But, that also meant we expected each to take care of themselves. I personally have learned ,through the years , if you get up and shower, makeup, cloth, you definitely feel better about yourself, or just feel better in general. I fell into the rut of not taking care and leaving pjs on all day, and it really makes your mood less appealing , if you know what I mean, cause you sorta fall into a slumber of "OH WELL!!!"

    Now thats not saying go put on your Sunday best. I'm just saying... you care enough about yourself to look your best.

    But there is also a right way and a wrong way to approach this subject. But, don't over analyze either.... LOL :!)
