Wednesday, June 13, 2012


An old photo of Kristopher and me. 

Well, I can’t complain!

I successfully finished my first year of law school, am a founding member of the Belmont Law Review, got ENGAGED (!!!), am enjoying my internship and research assistant positions, and am loving summer.

I have a trip planned in July with my family and Kris and I have talked about possibly getting away somewhere for a few days as well.

I feel like there is one thing missing in my life, and it has been missing for quite some time. I watched a video clip of Justice Scalia last week where he talked about ways to improve professional writing. One thing he suggested was reading- not just cases, briefs, and whatnot, but good literature and non-fiction as well.

This is where (the few) readers I have come in… I need your help! I need quality books to read in my spare time. This is not just because Justice Scalia recommends it, but because I genuinely enjoy reading and have not done any casual, just-for-fun reading in quite some time.

Please offer any suggestions you may have!

Take care,

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