Friday, June 15, 2012

Primal lifestyle

First off, brand new and never-before-seen pictures of my babies:

Pretty kitty looking regal... :)

Ryott with her short hair... :)

In other news, since last December, Kris has been eating a primal diet. This basically means that you don’t eat processed foods. I’m trying to take up this diet because I’d like to see myself lose just a little bit of weight. I’d also like to get toned up, which is where the running and other exercise comes in.

This is going to be a huge adjustment for me. I love food that is terrible for me. I love chocolate, ice cream, potatoes, fast food, etc. Although some of this is okay in moderation, I’m not going to be able to eat the way I’m used to – quick, easy, and terrible for me.

I’ve been making some primal recipes. I’ve made primal stuffed green peppers, where the rice in the peppers is replaced with cauliflower. I’ve also made primal “mashed potatoes,” which uses cauliflower in the place of the potatoes and is absolutely delicious. Chicken enchiladas can also be made primal when you use egg whites as the tortillas. This recipe is a little difficult to actually make enchiladas, so I turned it into a casserole instead of actual enchiladas. Great recipe!

My most recent endeavor has been primal zucchini boats. You cut zucchinis in half, carve out the pulp, and stuff them with a mix of ground sausage, onions, garlic, parmesan cheese, and an egg. Then you bake for 45 minutes, sprinkle more parmesan cheese on top, bake for ten more minutes, and it is ready! If you like zucchinis and sausage, you’ll love this recipe.

 I’m really excited about this life change. I think it’ll be good for my health and well-being. I’m definitely not the healthiest person I know and I need to change that. Eating right and exercise are the best ways to get healthy. 

Take care,

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