Sunday, June 3, 2012

It's official!!!

Flowers given to us by my step-mother to celebrate!

I mentioned in my last post that I had some super top secret news to announce. I’ve been dying to announce it for weeks…. and here it is: Kris and I are engaged!

I have known about this for quite some time because Kris wanted to make sure that I had the ring of my dreams. We went to the jewelry store and he let me pick out the ring that I wanted. Because the ring was not in stock in a size that would fit my finger, we had the ring specially ordered and it took about a month to arrive.

We picked up the ring last Wednesday and went to dinner to celebrate our impending engagement. He still had to ask me, of course!

Yesterday, he did! We talked about how we felt about each other and even how scary this kind of commitment is. We both understood that this is not something to be taken lightly, but we both know that we want to be with each other. 

Kris and me at dinner after the proposal.

So, here’s the cute part. After we talked about the engagement for a while, Kris said, “Well, I guess we have to ask the magic eight ball.” We don’t own a magic eight ball, but luckily for us, the internet magically happens to have many! Kris picked a magic eight ball on the internet and typed in a question along the lines of, “Should I propose to my girlfriend?” or “Should I give my girlfriend the ring?” (I can’t remember exactly, because I was a little flustered at this point… I mean, my future depends on what a magic eight ball says on the internet?! What?!).

Anyways, he typed in the question, hit the submit button, and the eight ball – to quote law school – unambiguously and unequivocally said, “Yes.” It wasn’t a “Maybe” or “Possibly” or “It depends” or any of the other ambiguous responses the magic eight ball often gives. It was clear: Yes!

So Kris put the ring on my finger and asked me to marry him. I’m not sure I actually said “yes” out loud because I was so excited. It was really, really cute, although I’m not sure what would have happened had the magic eight ball given an ambiguous or negative answer. It didn’t, so I’m not worried about it. 

I am thrilled to be announcing this news, but am even more ecstatic about the fact that I will be spending my life with Kristopher. I am a lucky, lucky lady and could not be any happier. Thank you for all of the kind words of support and encouragement. We are both very excited to start this new chapter in our lives!

Take care,

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