Sunday, May 13, 2012

5k Success!

Take a close look at this image from my treadmill yesterday:

Ignore the time and pace on that image. They’re not exactly correct because I took some of that time warming up, cooling down, and intermittently walking. But, take a look at that distance! Yes, I finally did it – I successfully ran a 5k!

Of course, I didn’t run any official 5k event, nor did I run the entire distance without stopping, but I did manage to run it. I made it! And for any of you who know me, you know that this is a pretty big accomplishment.

I have never considered myself a runner. I always hated it. I couldn’t run any kind of distance whatsoever and, when I tried, I was miserable. Despite being thin all my life, I simply wasn’t ever in shape.

Then I hit the big 2-5 and realized that I needed to work out to stay healthy and fit. I couldn’t maintain the lifestyle I had lived up to that point because it simply wasn’t a good way to live. While eating fast food and sitting on the couch watching TV rather than eating vegetables and running a 5k initially seemed much more appealing, the change in lifestyle helped me learn that it really wasn’t.

So, I began the Couch to 5k program a few months ago. I started off precisely following the program, but one day decided to push myself a little further and ran for quite some time. I then ebbed and flowed a little bit because the final weeks of my first year of law school kicked in and I didn’t feel like I had the extra time to run. I did, however, make some time for it.

Once I finished my first year, I got right back into it. I didn’t follow the program because I’d gotten to the point where I didn’t know where in the program I should re-start, so I kind of began my own program. And yesterday, I successfully made it the entire 5 kilometers (and a little more)!

I am quite proud of this, and I encourage everyone to try this program. Running is a very good way to release stress, clear your mind, get in shape, and feel better about yourself. Once you set goals and achieve them, it feels so great. So, despite being sore this morning, I am very proud of myself and look forward to continuing this journey.

Maybe one day I’ll make it to a half-marathon! You never know! 

Take care,

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