Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Sister Jane

The cover of my aunt's book about her trip to visit the orphanage.

My aunt Elizabeth recently came into town to visit. She brought Sister Jane with her, an African nun who founded and runs an orphanage in Cameroon, Africa for children whose parents have died from HIV/AIDS. Kris and I had dinner with them. Meeting Sister Jane was an incredible experience.

Sister Jane told me stories about the development of her orphanage, the children at her orphanage, and attempts to prevent her from running the orphanage. She told me that a neighbor had attempted to poison her and that armed men broke into her orphanage with the instructions to kill her.

Sister Jane is an exceptional person. She has devoted her life to saving children. She is warm and welcoming. She brings with her a sense of calm and instills the desire to help into others. Sister Jane is a force for good.

If you’re interested in learning more about the orphanage or donating to it, the website can be reached here.

My aunt wrote a book about her travels to Africa to help with the orphanage. If you’re interested in it, it can be purchased from Amazon by following this link. 

Spread the word about this amazing cause. Tell your friends to read the book, visit the website, donate, or anything else they can do to help Sister Jane maintain the orphanage for these children.

I can’t tell you how life-changing it was to meet someone like Sister Jane.

Take care,

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