Wednesday, May 9, 2012


I was thinking last night of the phrase, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” Well, what happens when life gives you lemonade, but you don’t like it? What do you do?

I’ve finally reached a point in my life where I am content. In fact, I am happy. I feel good about where I am in life and where I’m going. I am aware that there will be many more bumps along the way, but I am confident that I can handle them well and move past them.

This isn’t the case for a good friend of mine, who has everything one could ever want in life, yet still feels unsatisfied. She has a good career, a strong family, a loving relationship, great friends, a few hobbies, etc. Basically, she has everything she could ever need and still can’t find happiness. She looks at the lives of others and says, “I want that person’s life.” For her, the grass is always greener.

I’ve been in my friend’s shoes. I’ve felt that sense of discontent and I’ve worried about everything, all the time. I wish I could tell my friend that everything is going to be okay. That this, too, shall pass – because it will.  

I wish I had life-changing advice or suggestions for my friend and for everyone else struggling with similar problems. The best advice I can give is to search your soul and hang in there. Have some faith in yourself and your accomplishments and understand that these feelings are fleeting.

Everyone has problems. No one’s life is perfect, but you can find happiness and contentment despite these imperfections. It’s all a matter of perspective – and that’s something you have to gain on your own.


  1. One of my favorite phrases in the old King Jimmy translation (KJV) is "And it came to pass..." However, where we differ, Nan, is that my faith is in God to "make all things work together for good" for those who love God (Romans 8:28), not myself. I would screw things up. I believe Jesus Christ knows what he is doing.

    Gerald Cronan

  2. Gerald,

    I think you made an absolutely wonderful point. I wanted to write about faith in God, but because my faith is a little different than most, I decided it would be best not to do so. Faith in God is an amazing thing to have and I have to admit that I am jealous of those, such as you, who have such an unwavering faith.

    Take care,
