Monday, May 7, 2012

It's been a while...

It has been nearly a year since I’ve written a post. I had intended create a theme for this blog by writing about my experiences as a first-year law student. When I began orientation, I quickly found that this would not be a good idea. I needed as much time as possible to read and study. When I wasn’t doing that, I needed time to rest and relax. I simply couldn’t put in the time to keep up the narration of my first year of law school.

The past year has been incredible. It has not been easy, but I have learned as much about myself as I have about the law. There have been tears, both of anger and joy. I have struggled, but I have succeeded. So, let me tell you about it…

My first semester consisted of Contracts, Property, Torts, and Legal Writing. It was overwhelming at the beginning, but I got into the swing of things and made the Dean’s List. My second semester consisted of Civil Procedure, Criminal Procedure, Criminal Law, Constitutional Law, and Legal Writing. I found this second semester to be significantly more challenging than the first, but I worked harder than I’ve ever worked and I’m still waiting on grades. I should find out how I did in about a month.

Law school is a different animal. It’s hard to explain. People will tell you that it is horrible, but that’s not true. It made me work hard and long hours. It challenged me. It took me out of my comfort zone and, at times, it made me extremely self-conscious. But it was all worth it.

I am interning at a law firm this summer and working as a research assistant with one of my professors. I also intend to work on this blog. Writing is something I love. One of my goals has always been to become an author. I know that successful blogs have a theme, but I’m not sure what theme (if any) this will have. I plan on writing about my life, things I have learned, am learning, want to do, and ideas I have.

I can tell you that this summer is going to be an adventure and I hope you’ll come along for the ride. 

My current profile picture is an updated picture of Kris and me. And here are some updated pictures of my babies:

 Take care,

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